Latest news on the proposed Triangle Quarry Expansion at RDU

Aggregate Calculator

To use the Aggregate Calculator, simply enter the width, length, and thickness of your job, and click on whether you are measuring the thickness in feet or inches. Next, click on either Base Rock, Drain Rock, or a custom density selection. The Base Rock and Drain Rock selections will fill in the density of the rock for you; the Custom selection allows you to enter a rock density in the Density field. Finally, click on the Calculate button. The calculator will estimate the number of tons of aggregate that will be required.

Please note that densities will vary somewhat between quarries and loads, but the default values assigned for Base Rock and Drain Rock are good standard “rules of thumb” for estimating. For quarry specific estimates, use the calculator on the quarry page. This Aggregate Calculator should be used for estimating only, not for exact tonnage or pricing.